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Introducing our NEW SDR1-TR switch, if you were looking for the MFJ-1708, our new SDR1 family of products is shipping and available at our resellers, and the specs are WOW!
What is it?
The SDR1 products are Hybrid Transmit/Receive switches that can be controlled automatically by detecting the RF from the transmitted signal or manually via PTT.
With the advent of software-defined Radio (SDR), there was a need for a simple way to install an external SDR receiver on your radio. MFJ's departure from the market created a critical problem, especially since the MFJ-1708 had already been back-ordered for over a year.
We looked at the needs and decided we could design a product to resolve these problems and a much better design using state-of-the-art design approaches and better parts.
Will it work on my older radio?
Yes, TR switches have been around since the early days of Ham Radios, when it was common for receivers and transmitters to be separate devices. The SDR1 product lines were designed for SDR Receivers, but using a simple SMA to PL-259 (or Male N-Type), it can easily be converted for ANY receivers.
What features do you offer?
WOW! Where do I start? The VE2DX Electronics SDR1 offers;
What are the different models;
The SDR1 Family is made of four variations (For now! ;P );
1- SDR1-TR: coverage from 50khz to 172Mhz, with receive signal only going to SDR Receiver.
2- SDR1-TR Dual: Same as SDR1-TR, except it has an internal RF Splitter to share the received signals between the SDR Receiver and the transceiver.
3- SDR1-TRPlus: this unit is design to cover from 50khz to 1.5Ghz.
4- SDR1-TRPlus DUAL: just like the TR DUAL, this is the same as the SDR1-TRPlus, except it has an internal RF Splitter to share the received signals between the SDR Receiver and the transceiver.
Do you make these yourself?
This is an easy question: We design all our PCBs and firmware!! VE2DX Electronics is a proud Canadian Company.
VE2DX Electronics Design INC.
461 Rue Romeo, Laval, Quebec H7X 1R2, Canada
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