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Our VE2DX ELECTRONICS DESIGN INC. family of CI-V hubs now feature hubs with VE2DX ELECTRONICS DESIGN INC. TrueCIV Technology, with Advanced RF Filtering and TTL automatic leving technology.
Simply the HEART of your ICOM station!
The VE2DX Electronics CT17B family of hubs are KEY in the interconnection of your ICOM RADIOS or other ICOM or non-ICOM OEM devices!
CAT (Computer Aided Transceiver) is used not only to automate a radio station but also for simple OEM devices (Steppir, amps, tuner, band decoders, etc.) to be linked to your radio.
ICOM CI-V is a computer protocol, an electronic standard, and a physical standard to link ICOM RADIOS to other ICOM or OEM devices.
Will it work on my older radio?
Yes, the VE2DX Electronics CT17B family of products will work on ANY ICOM RADIOS since the 1980s IC-735 to the newer 7300, 7610, 9700, and EVEN the 705 that does not have CI-V ports, thanks to our Bluetooth feature of the CT17B-6BT and CT17B-7DM these can be linked to a 705 and thus CREATE 5 CI-V ports on that radio.
What features do you offer?
The VE2DX Electronics CT17B as;
- VERY LOW cost stand-alone CT17B-5 Version 1.
- ALL Version 2 CT17Bs are designed with VE2DX Electronics TrueTTL/TrueCIV Technology.
- Possible USB data support (CT17B-6USB and CT17B-7DM).
- Possible Bluetooth support (CT17B-6BT and CT17B-7DM).
- TrueTTL is a combination of very high RFI filtering on ALL signals, power sources, and Grounds, but also an auto-leveling design that will ensure that the out signals on all five ports are always at MAXIMUM TTL levels.
- All VE2DX Electronics PCBs are ALWAYS fully shielded on both sides.
Do you make these yourself?
This is an easy question... ME! All electronics design, PCB design, and firmware are made by US and no one else! VE2DX Electronics is a proud Canadian Company; we make all our products ourselves.
The CT-17B-5 Version 1 is a five-port ICOM CI-V-only hub for your Ham Radio station; it features RF filtering on every port, a 3D printed enclosure, and magnets under the enclosure that help install this electronic device.
This very low-cost device does not need any power; it is stand-alone and Plug-N-Play.
The Ct17B-5 V1 does not have TrueCIV.
The CT-17B-5 V2 comes with VE2DX TrueCIV technology. It is a five-port ICOM CI-V hub for your Ham Radio station.
It features advanced RF filtering, VE2DX TrueCIV Technology on every port, a 3D printed enclosure, and magnets under the enclosure that help install this electronic device.
With power from USB-C power and CI-V status LEDs.
Confirmed as working with IC-705 to link other ICOM or NON-ICOM CI-V devices!
See the video at
The CT-17B-6BT Version 2 with VE2DX TrueCIV Technology is a five-port ICOM CI-V with a Bluetooth wireless serial port to your PC for your Ham Radio station or your IC-705.
It feat
Confirmed as working with IC-705 to link other ICOM or NON-ICOM CI-V devices!
See the video at
The CT-17B-6BT Version 2 with VE2DX TrueCIV Technology is a five-port ICOM CI-V with a Bluetooth wireless serial port to your PC for your Ham Radio station or your IC-705.
It features advanced RF filtering on every port, VE2DX TrueCIV Technology, a 3D printed enclosure, and magnets under the enclosure that help with the installation of this electronic device.
With Power from USB power, Bluetooth, and CI-V status LEDs.
The CT-17B-6USB Version 2 with VE2DX TrueCIV Technology is a five-port ICOM CI-V with a USB serial port to your PC for your Ham Radio station.
It features advanced RF filtering on every port, VE2DX TrueCIV Technology, a 3D printed enclosure, and magnets under the enclosure that help with the installation of this el
The CT-17B-6USB Version 2 with VE2DX TrueCIV Technology is a five-port ICOM CI-V with a USB serial port to your PC for your Ham Radio station.
It features advanced RF filtering on every port, VE2DX TrueCIV Technology, a 3D printed enclosure, and magnets under the enclosure that help with the installation of this electronic device.
With Power from USB power and CI-V status LEDs.
Confirmed as working with IC-705 to link other ICOM or NON-ICOM CI-V devices!
See the video at
The CT-17B-7DM Version 2 with VE2DX TrueCIV Technology is a five-port ICOM CI-V with a USB and Bluetooth wireless serial port to your PC for your Ham Radio station or Bl; Blueto
Confirmed as working with IC-705 to link other ICOM or NON-ICOM CI-V devices!
See the video at
The CT-17B-7DM Version 2 with VE2DX TrueCIV Technology is a five-port ICOM CI-V with a USB and Bluetooth wireless serial port to your PC for your Ham Radio station or Bl; Bluetooth can also be used to link your IC-705.
It features advanced RF filtering on every port, VE2DX TrueCIV Technology, a 3D printed enclosure, and magnets under the enclosure that help with the installation of this electronic device.
With Power from USB power, Bluetooth, and CI-V status LEDs.
VE2DX Electronics Design INC.
461 Rue Romeo, Laval, Quebec H7X 1R2, Canada
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